
MdV friends


A place of knowledge and emotion, where people can admire violin making masterpieces of the past and recreate a picture of present times, the Museo del Violino is an international cultural centre that fosters the city’s change and stimulates the merging of tastes and styles. Starting from the deep roots of the territory, a future-looking idea takes shape, gathering talents and skills to share projects and values.
In fact, the Museo del Violino was born thanks to a virtuous partnership between the Comune di Cremona and the Fondazione Arvedi Buschini. The synergy between the public and private sectors, expressed by the support and the conscious involvement of its Founding and Contributing Members, is also conveyed by the everyday ability to activate forms of civic patronage and models for effective collaboration.
MdVfriends mirrors this alliance created by the sharing of kindred values such as culture, sense of duty and responsibility, people and community care, devotion to the fruit of people’s own labors. Tradition, passion and vocation: features that connect the Museum mission with the one of many local business companies.
Culture is always more frequently part of the enterprises’ code of ethics. New social models strongly mark the shift from a closed to an open – or shared – system, following the anglo-saxon meaning of “cultural heritage” as living legacy, further increasable through a continuous promotion of new enjoyment opportunities. With the aim of establishing an uninterrupted dialogue with the artistic expressions of excellence, several events are promoted, differing each other in character and destination to reach a meaningful enhancement of mutual experiences.
Sharing moments and projects, comparing, putting into perspective, contextualizing, looking ahead without forgetting our background: culture represents a way to improve and an essential need. From this certainty the Museum and the MdVfriends project draw their strength and value.